
Late one evening in the early ’80s, while Jan Buechler was sorting through the boxes and bags of the daily donated items, a small doll fell out of one bag. Instantly the look on the doll’s face touched the hearts of those working. In the silence of the moment, everyone knew the doll would touch the hearts of the community.

Her dress was wrinkled, her hair a mess, and a stain on her face had once held a tear. She was named Hope.

She immediately took her place on the set for the annual We Care telethon. At the conclusion of the 1986 telethon, in one spontaneous act, Hope was the last item offered for bid. She was purchased and then unexpectedly returned the following year to be sold again. A tradition began which has established Hope as a special part of a community that shares its love and resources unselfishly.

A likeness of Hope has been featured on various artwork, coins, jewelry, and clothing. She has won the hearts of the community but has been privileged to be held by just a very few.

*The actual doll, Little Miss No Name, was manufactured by Hasbro in 1965. Hasbro has granted We Care limited permission to use the image, likeness or facsimile of the doll on an individual request basis.


Chris Matchett – $35,000

The following donations were also received for Hope:

TNT Auto in Memory of Trent Davis – $10,000
All Phase Electric – $10,000
In Memory of Jr. Zimmerman – $5,000
Wolff’s Insulation – $1,000
Parsley Tooling – $1,000
Rick & Cat Shanks – $1,000
Higher Ground Tree Service – $500

Total raised for Hope: $63,500