
51st We Care Telethon
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We Care has developed into an annual 48-hour radio/telethon broadcast auction that touches everyone who either lives or works in a five-county area surrounding Kokomo, Indiana. It is held the first full weekend of December and organized and staffed by local volunteers.

All auction items are donated and vary with the imagination; including handmade afghans, crochet items, original art work, coins, fine jewelry, guns, expertly crafted knives, collectibles, antiques, furniture, resort vacations, land, automobiles and the list continues. Nearly 40,000 bid tickets are used for the more than 3,360 items which are sold during the marathon auction. The balance of the donated items are sold during a wrap-up auction the following week.

We Care exemplifies volunteerism at its best as more than seven-hundred (700) individuals from every walk of life give of their time for the 48-hour marathon telethon. It is a coordinated effort of twenty-six departments, all working together, for a common goal. It is the homemaker, the secretary, the business owner, it is the elected official, the factory worker, the unemployed, it is the rich, the poor, the retired; it is the doctor, the banker, the waitress and business manager who walk through the door and are recognized as valuable volunteers.

Some are second and third generation of those who volunteered more than twenty years ago. It is hard work. It is a task for which individuals wait in line, lose sleep and disrupt their weekend. It is a togetherness and a goal which everyone feels and shares. It is something private and very special within the heart of each and every volunteer.

2022 We Care Total: $435,510.70

We presented the annual contribution checks to our 6 agencies on Wednesday, December 14, 2022. Each received their annual contribution plus an additional contribution from We Care:

  • Salvation Army: $105,000
  • The Goodfellows: $105,000
  • Kokomo Rescue Mission: $105,000
  • Bona Vista: $85,000
  • Mental Health Association: $15,000
  • Urban Outreach Man-Up Program: $10,000
  • We Care Hope Trust Account: $10,510.70

Thank you to everyone for your support!